The Cat’s Meow: Songs from the 1920’s Nineteenth Century Club Benefit for Scholarship Fund 178 Forest Ave Oak Park IL 60301 1PM show Dinner and concert tickets or call 708-386-2729
Isn't it Rich: Saluting the Life and Legacy of Stephen Sondheim Spider Saloff Quartet With Jeremy Kahn, Stew Miller and Eric Schneider Winter's Jazz Club 411 E Illinois Chicago IL 60611 Sets at 5:30 and 7:30 312-344-1270
Spider begins her 8 week course for jazz vocalists at the acclaimed Bloom School of Jazz. Students are coached in finding their own voice in this intimate environment to learn full expression with vocal jazz style. The course includes a recording session and public performance with a top notch jazz band. 226 S Wabash Ave ... Read more